Shows & Selected Text

EOU Senior Exhibition

Title TBA

April 25 through May 9, 2014
Opening reception: Friday, April 25, 2014 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Exhibition participants include:
Tina Miller
Danielle Stansberry

Exhibited Work:



EOU 2014 Senior Art Majors Artists Talk

March 10, 2014 5-7 p.m. Loso 115

Nightingale Gallery Facebook Invite Page (PDF)

EOU Junior Exhibition

Containment Breach

Traveling Group Exhibition
Pacific Lutheran University and Eastern Oregon University

April 18 - May 1, 2013
Oregon Opening Reception: April 18, 2013 at Union County Art and Cultural Center 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Works of art were created in response to the theme. Students were allowed to use any media as long as when finished, the work could fit in a small packaged space--the size of a shoe box.

Other exhibited artists include:
Nicola Coon
Damian Garcia
Laura Hansen
Fernando Hernandez
Joshua McDonald
Zaquarie Mendenhall
Tina Miller
Addie O'Neal
Dani Stansberry
Kate Tromvanholst

Work Exhibited

Self-portrait Reflection.
2013. Acrylic on canvas paper.
16" x 20"

Gallery Stills

Pacific Lutheran University Gallery
PLU Containtment Breach Gallery ShotPLU Containtment Breach Gallery Shot    PLU Containtment Breach Gallery Shot   PLU Containtment Breach Gallery Shot

PLU Containtment Breach Gallery Shot


Oregon East Magazine

The Oregon East is a student run literary magazine that is published annually in the fall. Student submissions include work that has been completed within the last year. The submissions are for student work only, which includes prose, poetry, creative nonfiction, and art.
 Cover Vol. 44

Oregon East publication announcement (PDF)

Works Published

Painting: "Untitled Figure 2013"
Fiction: "The Sea"
A low rumble echoed in my ears. I grew goose skin as vibrations along the cold earth pulsed through my body. Other noises increased about me, the sound of feet and shouts of men. I did not want to be here anymore. I grew weary of the wet and the stink, the cold, the lice, and the rats. The artillery continued to shake the ground. No doubt, it was ours. I could hear the first bang, the whistle overhead, and the final explosion on the enemy side. I opened my eyes. I yearned for it to stop. It would never stop.

Then I Shall Reign Supreme!

Short film. Duration 10 minutes.

Carrie M. Nelson's Involvement

Assistant Director
Costume Designer
Storyboard Artist
Script Supervisor

Baker City Herald - Filming (PDF)
The Record Courier - Filming (PDF)
Ruralite Magazine (OTECC) - Filming (PDF)
Baker City Herald - We Like 'Em Short Film Festival (PDF)
The Observer - We Like 'Em Short Film Festival (PDF)
The Providence Journal - Review (PDF)